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Students in US express hope and skepticism about Trump

时间:2024-09-22 01:14:23 来源:摩登家庭人人影视网 作者:资讯 阅读:645次
By Grace Lee

Students in the United States are both hopeful and skeptical about the June 12 Trump-Kim summit in Singapore.

"Sure I'm interested in what will happen from the summit," said David Kim, a student at Otis College of Art and Design.

"I have feelings of both skepticism and optimism. On one hand, I doubt the true intentions of the summit but I also hope that it will help materialize and hasten the peace process (between the two Koreas," said Eddie Park, a Korean-American living in Marietta, Georgia.

"I don't care about politics too much. What's going to change from that meeting for me?" wondered Jimin Park, a Korean- American who grew up in Des Moines, Iowa.

"Hopefully sanctions won't be lifted by the president (Trump). Domestic abuse of North Korea's own people can't continue to be allowed to exist in the modern world," said Gregory Zabrodskiy, an American from New Jersey.

Some are hopeful that the summit will bring the results they hope for: North Korea's denuclearization and an end to the Korean War.

"I am interested in this summit. It will change the dynamics of international society. China and America should propose a whole new policy on Asia, since they will try to put North Korea under control," said Lee Seung-ju, a Korean citizen who moved to the U.S. to go to university.

"I am interested since this is the first meeting between a U.S. president and a North Korean leader. I feel that many new and constructive ideas for peace and denuclearization can be made and will also set forth a precedent for future meetings as well," said David Shon, who was born in Korea then moved to Wisconsin for educational purposes.

Grace Lee is an intern studying in the United States. This article is based on her interviews of her fellow students.


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