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Moon urges efforts to root out corruption in both public, private sectors

时间:2024-09-23 05:36:10 来源:摩登家庭人人影视网 作者:行业动态 阅读:725次
President Moon Jae-in on Monday urged government officials to fight corruption both in the public and private sectors, noting efforts to build a fairer and more just nation began with efforts to protect people from all walks of life.

"In the past, the issue of corruption had mostly been addressed in the public sector, but I believe we must set up national anti-corruption measures in the private sector as well in the future," Moon said while meeting with officials from the Justice Ministry and the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission in Seoul.

"I ask you to stage strong measures to eradicate corruption in both the public and private sectors to an extent where the people can actually feel the change," he added, according to pool reports.

The meeting marked the fifth of its kind that were designed to brief the new president on key policy objectives of government offices. They, however, have focused more on discussing the best ways to implement the policy goals of government officials. The discussions session were scheduled to last until Thursday, involving a different set of government ministries and agencies each day. Monday's meeting also involved officials from the Ministry of the Interior and Safety.

Moon urged the interior and safety ministry to step up its efforts to physically protect the people from any harm.

"The most urgent issue, I believe, is to fundamentally reform the country's crisis management system," he said. "Protecting the lives of people and their safety is the No. 1 responsibility of the state and the very reason the nation exists."

Moon also asked officials to push forward a dramatic decentralization of the government, calling it a task that cannot be delayed anymore.

Interior and Safety Minister Kim Boo-kyum said at the meeting that the central government will transfer administration of key public functions -- which can be carried out better by provincial governments than the central government -- to provincial governments.

Speaking to officials from the Justice Ministry, the president urged efforts to protect the human rights of people.

"There are many people who do not realize that one of the most important tasks of the Justice Ministry is to protect the human rights of our people. I ask for the ministry's active interest and support for the protection of people's human rights," he said. (Yonhap)


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