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First couples' fashion statements

时间:2024-09-22 04:09:51 来源:摩登家庭人人影视网 作者:新闻中心 阅读:514次
Moon Jae-in and Kim Jung-sook on their way to Pyongyang on Tuesday. Joint Press Corps.
Moon Jae-in and Kim Jung-sook on their way to Pyongyang on Tuesday. Joint Press Corps.

By Dong Sun-hwa

Fashion styles of the leaders and first ladies during the summit often deliver crucial statements. The Pyongyang summit on Sept.18-20 is no exception.

On Tuesday, President Moon Jae-in wore a red striped tie and a black suit as he headed for Pyongyang. He is believed to have chosen red, the color that represents North Korea, to show respect.

For the previous summit on April 27 at Panmunjeom truce village, Moon wore a blue tie and a dark blue suit. Many believed he selected blue, a peace symbol, to represent his hope for peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Moon Jae-in and Kim Jung-sook on their way to Pyongyang on Tuesday. Joint Press Corps.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and first lady Ri Sol-ju at Sunan International Airport in Pyongyang Tuesday. Yonhap

South Korea's first lady wore a white two-piece dress on Tuesday. It seems she chose white to underscore that the South and the North belong to the same people ― the "white-clad people."

In April, Kim wore a one-piece dress with a big brooch. The first lady also seemed to have wanted to deliver a message of peace by wearing clothes of similar color to those of the President.

Moon Jae-in and Kim Jung-sook on their way to Pyongyang on Tuesday. Joint Press Corps.
From left are North Korean first lady Ri Sol-ju, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and South Korean first lady Kim Jung-sook at Panmunjeom on Apr. 27. Yonhap

The North Korean leader, remained steadfast in his fashion for the Pyongyang summit, again wearing a Mao jacket to represents socialism, just as he did at Panmunjeom. He is believed to be making a clear statement about his ideology.

The dress code of the North's first lady on Tuesday was beyond expectations ― Ri wore a navy blue two-piece dress this time. Many had expected her to wear pastel clothing like she did in April to show "spring" has come for the South and the North. Some believe she chose the dark clothes to make the South's first lady stand out.


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