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The Slate Plus Digest for the week of May 5, with reading recommendations from the web.

时间:2024-09-22 13:36:05 来源:摩登家庭人人影视网 作者:资讯 阅读:460次

Remember last week, when Trump got to 100 days with no major accomplishments and we all laughed at him and made a list of the various people and entities who had prevented anything catastrophic from happening? We’re not laughing quite as heartily today, are we?

  • Why did Trumpcare pass the House?Because moderate Republicans are wimps.
  • What’s it like?Incredibly cruel.
  • How will it play politically?It’ll be an unmitigated disaster for the GOP.
  • Does it break all Trump’s promises on health care?Yes.
  • I get health insurance from my job so it won’t affect me, right?I have some bad news for you.
  • But hey, it’ll never pass the Senate, right?Not so fast.


Twin Peaks is back! What a great show. What does Slate have to say about it?

  • It was the product of a remarkable collaboration.
  • It changed TV forever.
  • It was the most striking-looking show of all time.
  • It featured the scariest villain of all time.
  • It was made of movies.
  • It was about TV.

Ivanka published a book! Surely Slate writers had opinions on it?

  • It’s not meant to be read.
  • It celebrates the unlimited possibilities open to working women when they have full-time household help.

Trump called Kim Jong-un a “smart cookie”! That’s preposterous. I suppose you have some kind of “slatepitch” about how he is, in fact, a smart cookie.

  • Yes.

Not From Slate


  • Many of the weird things Trump says can be explained by the fact that he doesn’t know anything about political ideology.
  • “The idea that the West is at war with radical Islam, and that the survival of Judeo-Christian European culture is at stake, is completely bonkers.”
  • A strong S-Towntakedown.
  • A beautifully done profile of the Christian conservative writer Rod Dreher.
  • Want to feel old? Me neither, but you should probably read this amazing piece “Inside the Elite Meme Wars of America’s Most Exclusive Colleges” anyway.

From the Archive

It has no particular relevance to anything, but: remember quicksand? Why do we never talk about it anymore? What a weird idea for a long piece that was, and what a great piece.

Thanks for your Slate Plus membership, which makes our journalism possible. See you next week!

Gabriel Roth
Editorial director, Slate Plus

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