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Modular building facade heats and cools rooms with solar power

时间:2024-09-22 07:27:56 来源:摩登家庭人人影视网 作者:行业动态 阅读:639次

Heating and cooling buildings is a major consumer of energy, especially older ones that weren’t built with modern energy efficiencies in mind. Now, engineers at Fraunhofer Institute have developed a modular facade powered by solar panels that can heat or cool rooms.

Each unit of the modular facade measures 125 cm wide and 30 cm deep (49.2 x 11.8 in), and can service a room measuring up to 24 m2(258 ft2). It contains a photovoltaic panel that generates enough power to run a mini heat pump, which produces three to four units of heat per unit of electricity.

To heat a room, the system uses fan coils to pump heat from the outside air indoors, while cooling is achieved by extracting heat from indoors and blowing it outside. A decentralized ventilation system regulates this air exchange and allows the room to “breathe.” The units can be connected to mainline power as well, for times when the solar cells aren’t generating enough.

This modular facade is designed to be retrofitted onto older buildings, particularly those built between the 1950s and 1970s, the team says. The idea is that they can be used to bring existing buildings up to modern standards of environmentally friendliness, far more quickly, easily and at lower cost.


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