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Gov't asks S. Koreans to avoid trips near N. Korea amid terror threats

时间:2024-09-22 09:40:06 来源:摩登家庭人人影视网 作者:产品中心 阅读:566次

The South Korean government called Monday for cooperation from local tour agencies to discourage its nationals from visiting areas bordering North Korea, as the country is on high alert against the likelihood of terrorist attacks by Pyongyang.

The Foreign Ministry hosted a rare group meeting with representatives of those firms specializing in arranging oversea tours.

It was meant to enhance awareness on the need to take stronger safety measures for South Koreans abroad and solicit cooperation.

Concerns have grown about the possibility of North Koreans kidnapping South Koreans or carrying out other unpredictable terror attacks.

An ethnic Korean pastor, who assisted North Korean defectors, was recently murdered in the Chinese northeastern province of Jilin. North Korean agents are allegedly behind the killing.

Pyongyang also openly threatened to "retaliate" unless Seoul repatriates 13 North Korean restaurant workers who defected here last month.

"Given a series of recent North Korea threats, there is a possibility of various types of attacks, such as abduction and terror, on our people who visit (to) or stay in the North Korea-China border regions including Mount Paektu," Deputy Minister for Overseas Koreans Han Dong-man said during the session also joined by officials at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and National Police Agency.

He cited the North's repeated threats especially in the wake of the latest group defection and international pressure on its regime over its fourth nuclear test early this year.

Han requested tour firms here to refrain from dealing with tour programs to the border areas near the North.

"In selling relevant products to our people, it's necessary to adequately explain about safety and security risks in advance and actively ask them to refrain from traveling to those areas," he said.

He noted many South Koreans visit the North Korea-China border areas, where Mount Paektu and relics of the Koguryo kingdom (37B.C.- A.D. 668), are located, in tour programs on sale.

The official stressed the importance of preventing accidents or incidents involving South Koreans in foreign nations, which are more difficult to handle and resolve especially when North Korea is involved. (Yonhap)


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