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NK appoints new ambassador to UN office in Geneva

时间:2024-09-23 06:28:22 来源:摩登家庭人人影视网 作者:关于我们 阅读:923次
Jo Chol-su,<strong></strong>  the new North Korean ambassador to the United Nations Office at Geneva is seen in this Nov. 12, 2019 photo. Yonhap

Jo Chol-su, the new North Korean ambassador to the United Nations Office at Geneva is seen in this Nov. 12, 2019 photo. Yonhap

North Korea has appointed a new ambassador to its mission at the United Nations office in Geneva, the U.N. website showed Saturday.

Jo Chol-su, who previously served as director-general of international organizations at North Korea's foreign ministry, presented his credentials to the U.N. Office in Geneva, Friday, according to the website.

Jo's appointment comes five months after his predecessor, Han Tae-song, returned to the North amid allegations of his involvement in ivory smuggling.

The new envoy has "extensive experience" working with the U.N., including as first secretary at the North Korean U.N. mission in Geneva and as a national staff member for World Food Program and United Nations Development Program delegations in Pyongyang, the website said.

He also previously worked in the North America department of the North's foreign ministry, handling negotiations over the country's nuclear weapons program. (Yonhap)


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