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World's first direct air electrolyzer makes hydrogen from humidity

时间:2024-09-22 10:38:27 来源:摩登家庭人人影视网 作者:新闻中心 阅读:371次

Australian researchers have developed and tested a way to electrolyze hydrogen straight out of the air, anywhere on Earth, without requiring any other fresh water source. The Direct Air Electrolyzer (DAE) absorbs and converts atmospheric moisture – even down to a "bone-dry" 4% humidity.

Such a machine could be particularly relevant to a country like Australia, which has ambitions as a clean energy exporter, along with enormous solar energy potential – but also widespread drought conditions and limited access to clean water. Decoupling hydrogen production from the need for a water supply could allow green hydrogen to be produced more or less anywhere you can ship it out from – and since water scarcity and solar potential often go hand in hand, this could prove a boon for much of Africa, Asia, India and the Middle East, too.

Chemical engineers at Melbourne University came up with what they describe as a simple design: an electrolyzer with two flat plates acting as anode and cathode. Sandwiched between the two plates is a porous material – melamine sponge, for example, or sintered glass foam. This medium is soaked in a hygroscopic ionic solution – a chemical that can absorb moisture from the air spontaneously.

Hook it up to an energy source, expose it to the air, and hydrogen starts being released at the cathode, and oxygen at the anode, simple as that. The researchers believe this is the first time hydrogen has been pulled directly from the air, and note that it works down to 4% humidity, where even dry areas in Australia's Red Centre, such as Alice Springs, tend to have around 20% humidity.


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